Staff Picks

Games, Gamers, Gaming: Nonfiction Works About Games and the People Who Love Them

If you're like me, you grew up surrounded by video gaming, which led to a lifelong passion for interactive experiences. This collection of works are all about games, and the people like us who love them dearly. From narrative nonfiction about arguably the most influential game of the 1990s, to a deep dive on the culture of contemporary game design, these picks will surely satisfy any gamer (or nongamer's) curiosity.
Richland Library Southeast

Mini-Retreat: Play Birdsong Hero

Wish you could identify birds by their songs? Try this simple game and turn "someday" into "today" for your bird watching bucket-list daydreams.
Richland Library Eastover

Name 3 Things

This is a quick game you can play with a family member during your #brainbreak to get your brain recharged and ready for more learning.