Create your own Summer Learning Challenge this year!

All of the activities listed below have been created to help adults learn, create and share. Earn a point towards your Summer Learning Challenge for each activity you complete. 

Aug 09 11:00 a.m.


Let's Speak English

Internationals, join our virtual conversation session via Zoom and practice speaking English in a relaxed setting.

Event Type(s):


Aug 02 11:00 a.m.


Let's Speak English

Internationals, join our virtual conversation session via Zoom and practice speaking English in a relaxed setting.

Event Type(s):


Jul 19 11:00 a.m.


Let's Speak English

Internationals, join our virtual conversation session via Zoom and practice speaking English in a relaxed setting.

Event Type(s):


Jul 05 11:00 a.m.


Let's Speak English

Internationals, join our virtual conversation session via Zoom and practice speaking English in a relaxed setting.

Event Type(s):


Jun 21 11:00 a.m.


Let's Speak English

Internationals, join our virtual conversation session via Zoom and practice speaking English in a relaxed setting.

Event Type(s):


Jun 14 11:00 a.m.


Let's Speak English

Internationals, join our virtual conversation session via Zoom and practice speaking English in a relaxed setting.

Event Type(s):


Jun 07 11:00 a.m.


Let's Speak English

Internationals, join our virtual conversation session via Zoom and practice speaking English in a relaxed setting.

Event Type(s):


Staff Picks

Level 1 Decodable Chapter Books: Alba Series

This 12-book series follows the adventures of the feisty and determined Anna. She uses her super-sleuthing and problem-solving skills to battle the mighty superbugs who threaten to destroy her father’s scientific work.
Staff Picks

Level 1 Decodable Chapter Books: Magic Belt Series

Looking for action and adventure? The Magic Belt series follows Zak’s quest to save his grandfather’s life. He sets out on a magical quest to collect hidden gems that will unlock the cure for grandfather illness. Zak races against time as he hurdles through obstacle after obstacle.
Staff Picks

Decodable Chapter Books: Talisman Series

The night before his 14th birthday, Zak has a strange dream. A mysterious lady appears before him bearing an important message: "The Dark Master is creating a new talisman, even more powerful than the first. All of mankind is at risk. You must resume your quest and stop him!" she tells him. Together with Mim and a skinny, old mule, Zak sets off to Volcano Island to confront the Dark Master. Will he be able to reach him before it is too late? Will he be able to save humanity?
Staff Picks

Decodable Readers: All About Reading

All About Reading are designed for students in the first stages of reading. New readers feel empowered because they can sound-out unfamiliar words without guessing and steadily build their reading skills. These books are completely “decodable” meaning that they use simple words and only short vowel sounds as the first stepping stones into reading.
Staff Picks

Decodable Readers: High Noon Sound-Out Chapter Books Level 3 & 4

High Noon Chapter Books are designed for new readers who are ready to dive into chapter books. These stories are completely “decodable” meaning they use simple words and short vowel sounds as the first stepping stones into reading. Levels 3 & 4 build foundational reading skills that will prepare a reader for more challenging concepts in levels 5 & 6.
Staff Picks

2023 Pulitzer Prizes

Check out the 2023 Pulitzer Prize winners and finalists in the categories of fiction, history, biography, memoir/ autobiography, poetry, and general nonfiction.
Staff Picks

Notable New Biographies & Memoirs

Among the new biographies/memoirs I’m looking forward to reading are Anne de Courcey’s Magnificent Rebel, about shipping line heiress Nancy Cunard’s tumultuous life in 1920s Paris, and New Yorker writer Burkhard Bilger’s Fatherland, about his discovery of hi
Richland Library Main

Crafting for a Cause: Donations by Sew Divine at Southeast

Crafting can be a fulfilling and enjoyable pastime, but what if you could turn your hobby into something even more meaningful? That's exactly what the Southeast branch of Sew Divine has been doing for years, and they have made an incredible impact on their community through their donations.
Richland Library Main

What's your resolution?

No matter what your resolutions are for the new year, we hope that the library can play a part in helping you achieve your goals.

Aug 01 6:30 p.m.


Kanopy Club

Every first Thursday of the month, we’ll talk about a new film and at the end of each meeting we will pick our next film to discuss for our next monthly meeting.

Register (at top right) and you will be emailed a ZOOM link to join before the event.

Event Type(s):


Staff Picks

2022 Charleston Literary Festival Authors

This year’s Charleston Literary Festival, taking place November 4-13, will feature a spectacular array of fiction and nonfiction writers. The fiction roster includes literary-fiction heavyweight Ian McEwan, as well as best-selling authors Geraldine Brooks and Nic Hornby. Among those representing nonfiction are African American studies scholar Eddie S.
Staff Picks

Arbor Day Reads

National Arbor Day is observed annually on the last Friday in April (4/29 this year), although South Carolina marks its own Arbor Day on the first Friday in December, since saplings planted at that time of year will have a better chance of becoming established before the brutal heat of summer arrives.
Richland Library North Main


Richland Library North Main

Native American Heritage Month

There are 9.7 million Native Americans belonging to 562 federally recognized nations or tribes that live in the US, each with a unique history.
Staff Picks

Get Outdoors: Learn More About Plants

Time to get outside and go on an adventure! Here are a list of books to help you explore your surroundings. Learn more about plants and even go on a foraging trip!
Richland Library Northeast

¡Que Rico!: Stuffed Honduran Pastelitos

Bring the rich flavors of our community to life in your kitchen! Try our Stuffed Honduran Pastelitos—inspired by a recipe from one of our ¡Que Rico!: Community Cookbook contributors, Karin Cantarero.
Staff Picks

Art Representing Asian American, Pacific Islanders

Graphic novels and manga, with the aid of movies and anime, have been great ways to bring cultures together. Here is a list of some of my favorite titles with AAPI characters and artists. Looking for more? Check out our personalized recommendations here or call us at 799-9084.
Staff Picks

Where to Start Your Anime Journey

Anime can be an overwhelming medium, especially for someone new. This collection of anime movies are a great starting point to begin your exploration of the medium. Works range from family friendly works by Hayao Miyazaki to the deep and psychological works of the late Satoshi Kon. Whichever you choose, you're bound to find a new world in anime.
Staff Picks

Ladies Get Paid (and other new business books you might enjoy)

Check out these business and finance books recently added to our collection. Popular titles include Ladies Get Paid, a manifesto on workplace equality by Claire Wasserman, and Black, White, and The Grey, a memoir by Mashama Bailey and John O.
Staff Picks

Movies for Workers' Day

The first day of May has been celebrated as International Workers' Day since 1889 when labor activists were demonstrating and organizing for the eight-hour-day. The following list is made up of dramatic features, documentaries, and educational series on the labor movement, unionizing, leftist political activism, economic inequality, and working conditions. Mostly focused on American culture and history, it nontheless includes films set around the globe, helping to illustrate the shared struggles of workers everywhere.
Staff Picks

Herbal Medicine fiction

As we cultivate our gardens and spruce up the place, why not entertain yourself with some herbal medicinal reads? Fiction, of course! Let's take a break from the dust, dirt, and heat. Time to grab a glass of ice cold lemonade, tea, or infused water and add just a hint of herbal fun to the mix.
Staff Picks

Are There Limits to Human Creativity? (Philosophical fiction)

A list of 30 top philosophical reads--included with these selections are various formats (eAudio, eBook, Blu-Ray or DVD, & Standard or Large print). Enjoy your journey with these philosophical fiction novels that will make you think and analyze the conditions and nature of humans, and maybe gain a different perspective. Some of these titles have been made into motion pictures or turned into TV shows. Feel free to decide if there are limits to human creativity...
Staff Picks

Health at Every Size

A revolution in size acceptance is upon us. The titles below explore the work of the Health at Every Size (HAES) movement and the concepts of fatphobia, weight discrimination, body image, disordered eating, radical self love, and weight inclusivity. Challenging traditional notions of weight and health, these works may lead you to question what you thought you knew about wellness.
Staff Picks

Biographies and Novels that Explore the Arab American Experience

Let’s take the time to celebrate the history, contributions, and culture of the diverse population of Arab Americans. Arab Americans have roots in 22 countries located in the Middle East and North African regions and within all those countries, there are various languages, religions, traditions that are now part of the American story. Explore their stories though verse, memories, and more.
Staff Picks

Recent Magical Realism

When you need a stretch of the imagination, a break from mainstream fiction and predictable mysteries, and like books that are a little weird but not too weird, give one of these newer magical realism releases a try.
Richland Library Sandhills

Five Trailblazing Women of Richland County

Let's look at five amazing women leaders who not only have made a positive impact all across Richland County, but have broken down barriers while they were at it.
Staff Picks

One True Sentence

With Ken Burns's highly anticipated three-part documentary on Ernest Hemingway currently airing on PBS, now is a good time to dive into the works of this most celebrated of 20th century American literary masters, whose writing style profoundly influenced (for better or worse) many authors who followed him and whose literary sensibility is still something of a touchstone. In addition to Hemingway's own fiction, nonfiction, and correspondence, the following list includes the definitive multivolume biography by Michael Reynolds, as well as Mary Dearborn's critically acclaimed 2017 bio.