Aug 03 12:00 p.m.

Richland Library Southeast

Play Freely: A Sensory Friendly Edition

Jun 18 6:00 p.m.

Richland Library Southeast

Celebration in Black: From Gullah to Freedom

Staff Picks

Social and Emotional Learning Picture Books

Social and emotional learning books are an educational tool that helps build social and emotional skills such as, managing emotions, problem-solving and creating positive relationships. These skills are essential for students to learn. Books with SEL themes allow children to learn through characters and plot. Through stories, children learn how to analyze a problem they face in their own lives and come up with solutions.
Staff Picks

Wordless Picture Books

Telling a story with only pictures. Wordless picture books provides children with an opportunity for literacy rich conversations. Each “reader” listens and speaks, and creates their own story in their own words.
Staff Picks

The Southern Book Prize 2024

Each February, the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance awards the Southern Book Prize to the best Southern books of the year. Titles are nominated by indie booksellers and voted on by their customers. This year's winners are:Fiction - Tom Lake by Ann Patchett
Staff Picks

The 2024 Stonewall Book Honorees for Children’s Books

The Stonewall Book Awards, sponsored by the American Library Association’s Rainbow Round Table, honors books for children and young adults with the Mike Morgan and Larry Romans awards. Each year, these prestigious awards honor outstanding English-language works that amplify queer voices, stories, and experiences, inviting readers to explore the diverse tapestry of queer experiences. For more information, visit the Stonewall Book Award website.
Staff Picks

2024 New Year, New Me: Middle Grade and Teen Books

Recommended by Richland Library staff, this list is what happens when we decide to kick-off the new year with a challenge--reading outside of our comfort zones. From nonfiction to manga, romance to historical fiction, we stretched ourselves and our reading habits to explore new genres and authors.

Jun 07 3:30 p.m.

Richland Library North Main

Play Freely: Fun Fridays at North Main